Friday, October 31, 2008

The Federal Reserve Is Inflating at 341% per Annum. (Don't Look for the Decimal Point.)

October 24, 2008

I have never seen anything like this. The adjusted monetary base over the last eight weeks has risen at 341% per annum. The increase in the monetary base is $300 billion

This indicates panic at the Federal Reserve. The financial system is coming unglued.

(read full article)

Thursday, October 30, 2008


Hawaii has two major newspapers, the Honolulu Advertiser and the Star Bulletin.

BOTH newspapers include birth announcements, and BOTH newspapers record the August 4th, 1961 birth of Barack Obama.

The Honolulu Advertiser The Star Bulletin

Now, McCain's (Rove's) useful idiots will scream that these are fakes, that they are part of this grand conspiracy by Obama's parents to smuggle a newborn baby from Kenya into Honolulu to obtain a birth certificate and birth announcements. But what is lacking in their story is MOTIVE. It's not like Obama's parents knew back then that Barack would go into politics, and need to be "Natural Born." Why bother with such a deception, which includes a very risky flight half way around the world with a newborn baby. Under US law, Barack is a US citizen no matter where he was born because his mother was an American citizen, born and raised in Kansas. The question of location is only relevant to the "Natural Born" requirement to be President. Barack's parents could not have known at the time of his birth that this would be an issue.

And note that in one of the announcements, a residential address is given. Does that sound like the parents just arrived from Kenya? Check it out for yourself on Google Earth; it is a house, not an apartment or motel.

At the end, this is just plain old fashioned harassment by McCain's people. Under US law the burden of proof rests with the accuser. But the people pushing this citizenship nonsense keep inventing new allegations and demanding Obama prove them wrong. Folks, that approach is the Napoleonic code of justice, which died with, well, Napoleon. Obama does not have to respond to each and every mud-sling that Berg and his people can come up with.

Worse, this whole citizenship issue distracts from the real issues of the economy and the war. Obviously, McCain's people are desperate to find anything that will take voters' minds off of the economy and war and focus it someplace else, and this tabloidism is intended as such bait.

The election is less than a week away. Stay focused. Stay on target. The economy is nearly dead from 8 years of GOP leadership and pointless wars. Don;t get suckered into another 4 years of the same by a little mud-slinging

(original article)

Mandatory Filtering Australia

You Tube
October 29, 2008

From the Channel 7 Morning Show 29th. October 29 2008. Discussion regarding mandatory Internet Filtering proposal.

A classic from 1992 for you all:

Counterpoint: How I Learned to Love the New World Order
Biden, Joseph R Jr. Wall Street Journal. (Eastern edition). New York, N.Y.: Apr 23, 1992. pg.

Imagine my surprise when a Wall Street Journal editorial appointed me dean of the Pat Buchanan school of neo-isolationism. My credentials? Believing that the Pentagon's new strategy -- America as "Globocop" -- could render the United States a hollow superpower. All agree we need the military capacity to defend our vital interests -- by ourselves when need be. The question is grand strategy. With the Journal's endorsement, the Pentagon has called for a Pax Americana: The U.S. should cast so large a military shadow that no rival dare emerge.

American hegemony might be a pleasant idea, but is it economically, politically or even militarily wise? Bristling with weapons, we would continue our economic decline, while rising industrial and financial giants in Europe and Asia viewed our military pretensions with indifference or contempt.

Defense Secretary Dick Cheney outdid even the Journal, dipping deep into the well of Cold War argumentation to accuse Pax Americana critics of thinking "America's world presence is somehow immoral and dangerous.
" Why doesn't the Journal stop the namecalling, get its schools sorted out, and court an honest debate over America's proper role in the new world order?

Pat Buchanan's "America First" preaches martyrdom: We've been suckered into fighting "other" people's battles and defending "other" people's interests. With our dismal economy, this siren song holds some appeal.

But most Americans, myself included, reject 1930s-style isolationism. They expect to see the strong hand of American leadership in world affairs, and they know that economic retreat would yield nothing other than a lower standard of living. They understand further that many security threats -- the spread of high-tech weapons, environmental degradation, overpopulation, narcotics trafficking, migration -- require global solutions.

What about America as globocop? First, our 21st-century strategy has to be a shade more clever than Mao's axiom that power comes from the barrel of a gun. Power also emanates from a solid bank balance, the ability to dominate and penetrate markets, and the economic leverage to wield diplomatic clout.

Second, the plan is passive where it needs to be aggressive. The Journal endorses a global security system in which we destroy rogue-state threats as they arise. Fine, but let's prevent such problems early rather than curing them late. Having contained Soviet communism until it dissolved, we need a new strategy of "containment" -- based, like NATO, on collective action, but directed against weapons proliferation.

The reality is that we can slow proliferation to a snail's pace if we stop irresponsible technology transfers. Fortunately, nearly all suppliers are finally showing restraint. The maverick is China, which persists in hawking sensitive weapons and technology to the likes of Syria, Iran, Libya, Algeria and Pakistan -- even while pledging otherwise.

The Senate has tried to force China's leaders to choose between Third World arms sales (1991 profits of $500 million) and open trade with the U.S. (a $12.5 billion annual Chinese surplus). Even though we have convincing intelligence that China's leaders fear the use of this leverage, the president inexplicably refuses to challenge Beijing.

Weapons containment can't be foolproof; and against a nuclear-armed North Korea, I would support pre-emptive military action if necessary. But let's do our best -- using supplier restraint and sanctions against outlaw sellers and buyers-to avoid having to round up the posse.
Why not an anti-proliferation "czar" in the cabinet to give this objective the prominence it urgently needs?

Third, Pax Americana is a direct slap at two of our closest allies -- Japan and Germany -- and a repudiation of one of our panel1. Rather than denigrating collective security, we should regularize the kind of multilateral response we assembled for the Gulf War. Why not breathe life into the U.N. Charter? great postwar triumphs. For years, American leaders argued that building democracy in Europe and Asia would guarantee stability because democracies don't start wars. Now the Pentagon says we must keep our military large enough to persuade Japan and Germany "not to aspire to a greater role even to protect their legitimate interests."

How has our success suddenly become a threat? It hasn't, but the Pentagon plan could become a self-fulfilling prophecy. By insulting Tokyo and Berlin, and arrogating to ourselves military stewardship of the world, we may spark the revival no one wants.

Secretary Cheney says he wants the allies to share the burden on defense matters. But Pax Americana puts us on the wrong end of a paradox: Hegemony means that even our allies can force ever greater U.S.
defense spending the more they try to share the burden!

Fourth, collective security doesn't rule out unilateral action. The Journal says I'm among those who want "Americans . . . to trust their security to a global committee." But no one advocates that we repeal the "inherent" right of self-defense enshrined in Article 51 of the United Nations Charter.

Secretary Cheney says his plan wouldn't undermine support for the U.N. Who would know better than the U.N.'s usually understated secretary general? If implemented, says Boutros Boutros-Ghali, the Pentagon's strategy would spell "the end of the U.N." Rather than denigrating collective security, we should regularize the kind of multilateral response we assembled for the Gulf War. Why not breathe life into the U.N. Charter? It envisages a permanent commitment of forces, for use by the Security Council. That means a presumption of collective action -- but with a U.S. veto.

Rather than defending military extravagance, the Bush administration should be reallocating Pentagon funds to meet more urgent security needs: sustaining democracy in the former Soviet empire; supporting U.N. peacekeepers in Yugoslavia, Cambodia and El Salvador; and rebuilding a weakened and debt-burdened America.

If Pentagon strategists and their kneejerk supporters could broaden their horizons, they would see how our superpower status is best assured. We must get lean militarily, revitalize American economic strength, and exercise a diplomatic leadership that puts new muscle into institutions of collective security.
Sen. Biden is chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee's European Affairs Subcommittee.

RAND Lobbies Pentagon: Start War To Save U.S. Economy

Paul Joseph Watson & Yihan Dai
Thursday, October 30, 2008

According to reports out of top Chinese mainstream news outlets, the RAND Corporation recently presented a shocking proposal to the Pentagon in which it lobbied for a war to be started with a major foreign power in an attempt to stimulate the American economy and prevent a recession.

A fierce debate has now ensued in China about who that foreign power may be, with China itself as well as Russia and even Japan suspected to be the targets of aggression.

The reports cite French media news sources as having uncovered the proposal, in which RAND suggested that the $700 billion dollars that has been earmarked to bailout Wall Street and failing banks instead be used to finance a new war which would in turn re-invigorate the flagging stock markets.

The RAND Corporation is a notoriously powerful NGO with deep ties to the U.S. military-industrial complex as well as interlocking connections with the Ford, Rockefeller, and Carnegie foundations.

(read full article)

Lies and Audiotape: Morgan Chase Exec Brags Bailout Is for Takeovers, Restructuring, Not Lending

Executive Intelligence Review
October 30, 2008

In an internal bank conference call last week, a JP Morgan Chase executive, unaware that his conversation would be heard and published by a reporter, confirmed exactly what Lyndon LaRouche has said about the Hank Paulson bail-out: It has nothing remotely to do with extending lending to the U.S. economy, but is concerned with the Mussolini-like corporatist restructuring of the U.S. banking system, turning over the “smaller banks” to the totally bankrupt big banks, so that they can digest the smaller banks’ assets, and survive perhaps a few more weeks.

New York Times reporter Joe Nocera obtained the call-in phone number on which the Oct. 17 Morgan Chase conference call took place, only 4 days after JP Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon had agreed to take $25 billion in a U.S. government capital injection. In an article in the Oct. 25 Times, entitled “So When Will Banks Give Loans?” Nocera quoted the unnamed JP Morgan Chase executive who gave the conference call, as follows:

“Twenty-five billion dollars is obviously going to help the folks who are struggling more than Chase,” he began. “What we do think it will help us do, is perhaps be a little bit more active on the acquisition side, or opportunistic side, for some banks who are still struggling. And I would not assume that we are done on the acquisition side, just because of the Washington Mutual and Bear Stearns mergers. I think there are going to be some great opportunities for us to grow in this environment, and I think we have an opportunity to use that $25 billion in that way. And obviously depending on whether recession turns into depression or what happens in the future, you know, we have that as a backstop.” [emphasis added]

Later during the call, the executive showed what a fig-leaf is Paulson’s claim that the capital injection part of the bail-out plan would start up lending to the economy. The executive explained “loan dollars are down significantly.” He added, “We would think that loan volume will continue to go down as we continue to tighten credit to fully reflect the high cost of pricing on the loan side.”

(view original press-release)

FOX NEWS: " We Need Another 9/11"

Columnist Stu Bykofsky: We need another 9/11

Broadcast on Fox News (August 2007), Columnist Stu Bykofsky claims that America needs a new 9/11 to unite the American people, because they have "forgotten" who the enemy is.

He also claims that "there will be another 9/11", and Fox News Anchorman concurs:

"Does this columnist have a valid point?"

"its going to take a lot of dead people to wake people up."

"Another attack on America is inevitable"

We have heard stuff like this before:

West's treatment with critics of Holocaust is shameful

Tehran, Oct 29, IRNA

Persecution, conviction and imprisonment of scientists and independent intellectuals are prevalent in the West, Secretary of World Foundation on Reviewing Holocaust Mohammad Ali Ramin said on Wednesday.

Ramin said arrest of Fredrick Gerald Toeben in early October 2008 in London airport for criticizing the nature and effects of Holocaust, has worried the world independent scholars and intellectuals.

Dr. Toeben is an independent researcher and thinker in the field of 'Contemporary History of Europe' and also is the member of 'International Fact-Finding Committee of Holocaust' and is the founder of 'World Foundation for Reviewing Holocaust' who believes just like others that Holocaust dossier should be re-examined and re-surveyed.

Who should be condemned? Don't you think that those who claim there has been mass killing and slaughter of six million Jews by Germans during the Second World War in Europe, should have at least appropriate documents to prove it? Or perhaps the researchers and those who make interrogation and inquiries should be condemned or punished?
(read full article)

Don’t tell my mother I work at the White House. She thinks I play the piano in a whore house

by William Blum
Oct. 30, 2008

The Republican presidential campaign has tried to make a big issue of Barack Obama at one time associating with Bill Ayers, a member of the 1960s Weathermen who engaged in political bombings. Governor Palin has accused Obama of “palling around with terrorists”, although Ayers’ association with the Weathermen during their period of carrying out anti-Vietnam War bombings in the United States took place when Obama was around 8-years-old. Contrast this with who President Ronald Reagan, so beloved by the Republican candidates, associated with. Gulbuddin Hekmatyar was an Afghan warlord whose followers first gained attention by throwing acid in the faces of women who refused to wear the veil. This is how they spent their time when they were not screaming “Death to America”. CIA and State Department officials called Hekmatyar “scary,” “vicious,” “a fascist,” “definite dictatorship material”. None of this prevented the Reagan administration from inviting the man to the White House to meet with Reagan, and showering him with large amounts of aid to fight against the Soviet-supported government of Afghanistan.

Reagan’s successor, George H.W. Bush, palled around with characters almost as unsavory during his first campaign for the presidency in 1988. His campaign staff included a number of genuine pro-Nazi, anti-Semitic types from Eastern and Central Europe. Several of these worthies were leaders of the Republican campaign’s ethnic outreach arm, the Coalition of American Nationalities, despite the fact that their checkered past was not a big secret. One of them, Laszlo Pasztor (or Pastor) had served in the pro-Nazi Hungarian government’s embassy in Berlin during the Second World War. This had been revealed in a 1971 page-one story in the Washington Post. When this past was again brought up in September 1988, the Republicans were obliged to dump Pasztor and four others of his ilk from Bush’s campaign.

And who has John McCain been palling around with? Who has been co-chair of McCain’s New York campaign and a foreign policy adviser to McCain himself? None other than the illustrious unindicted war criminal and mass murderer Henry Kissinger, who must be very careful when he travels to Europe for there are committed and serious people in several countries there who will again try to have him arrested for the crimes against humanity he’s responsible for … Chile … Angola … East Timor … Vietnam … Laos … Cambodia …

(read full article)

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The Rothschilds and their 200 years of political influence

By Andy McSmith
Thursday, 23 October 2008

Nat Rothschild, the financier at the centre of allegations that threaten to engulf the shadow Chancellor, George Osborne, is no stranger to laws which forbid politicians from accepting donations from abroad.

Political donations from overseas are also illegal in the US, where John McCain's campaign team is under investigation for allegedly accepting a benefit in kind from two mega-rich British citizens, namely Nat Rothschild and his father, Jacob, the Fourth Baron Rothschild.

In April, Mr McCain passed through London and spoke at a fund-raising dinner for expatriate Americans, where seats at the cheapest tables cost £500 a head. What caught the eye of Judicial Watch, a Washington-based foundation dedicated to combating corruption, was that the event was held "by kind permission of Lord Rothschild and Hon Nathaniel Rothschild" at the family home in Spencer House, St James's, the only privately owned 17th-century palace in central London.

The US Federal Election Committee is still investigating the allegation that Mr McCain's campaign team broke electoral law by accepting a benefit in kind from the Rothschilds. "We haven't heard from the FEC yet, and don't expect to until after the campaign," Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch said.

The Rothschild family and politics have been intertwined for generations, ever since Nathan Rothschild, who founded the English branch of the family business, financed Britain's war against Napoleon two centuries ago. Nathan was the son of Mayer Rothschild, who founded the family business in the Jewish ghetto in Frankfurt during the 18th century.

Serena Rothschild, Nat Rothschild's mother, was one of the largest individual donors to the Conservative Party last year. She gave £190,000. She has also helped fund Mr Osborne's office.

When another member of the clan, Sir Evelyn de Rothschild, married the New York businesswoman Lynn Forester, they spent the night of their wedding dinner in the White House as guests of Bill Clinton. Lady Rothschild was a fund-raiser for the Democrats, but defected to the McCain camp after her friend Hillary Clinton was beaten to the nomination by Barack Obama.

(read full article)

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The New Neo-Con Reality


"We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're  studying that reality -- judiciously, as you will -- we'll act again, creating other new  realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's  actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do."  

--Bush White House aide explaining the New Reality

The New American Century lasted a decade.  Financial crisis and defeated objectives in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Georgia brought the neoconservative project for American world hegemony crashing to a close in the autumn of 2008.  

The neocons used September 11, 2001, as a “new Pearl Harbor” to give power precedence over law domestically and internationally.  The executive branch no longer had to obey federal statutes, such as the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act or honor international treaties, such as the Geneva Conventions.  An asserted “terrorist threat” to national security became the cloak which hid US imperial interests as the Bush Regime set about dismantling US civil liberties and the existing order of international law constructed by previous governments during the post-war era. 

Perhaps the neoconservative project for world hegemony would have lasted a bit longer had the neocons possessed intellectual competence.

(read full article)

The Logic of al-Qaeda's McCain Choice

One of the harsh truths since 9/11 is that George W. Bush and his neoconservative allies have enjoyed a symbiotic relationship with al-Qaeda, both sides benefiting from their excessive reliance on violence.

Now, al-Qaeda strategists are discussing how they might keep that symbiosis going by helping to elect neocon John McCain, as the Independent Institute’s Ivan Eland notes in this guest essay:

In the battle for endorsements in the presidential campaign, Barack Obama snared a strong nod from former Secretary of State Colin Powell – and John McCain received an equally strong recommendation from al-Qaeda.

Quite bluntly, al-Qaeda says it wants McCain to win essentially because it thinks he is most likely to continue Bush’s macho bull-in-the-China-shop ”war on terror.” There has been a lot of bull in the China shop, and al-Qaeda wants to make sure it continues.

For example, in the Muslim land of Somalia during the Clinton administration, bin Laden helped Somalis with the attack that killed 18 American troops and caused the U.S. to withdraw its forces from that country. Also, Obama has talked about getting more involved in the Muslim-inhabited region of Darfur in Sudan.

With talk of terrorist strikes this close to the election, it is possible that al-Qaeda could be once again trying to influence the outcome. In late October 2004, bin Laden released a video tape several days before the U.S. presidential election that warned of an attack, which John Kerry’s campaign believed tipped the electoral balance against them.

(read full article)

To put this in a better perspective, read these articles by Steve Watson:

Surprise Surprise, It's Another Al Qaeda Blockbuster Release

Al Qaeda Tapes: Direct Link To Military Psyops And Donald Rumsfeld

U.S. Government Caught Red-Handed Releasing Staged Al-Qaeda Videos

Excerpt: All evidence indicates that the tapes are provided to Fouda and Al Jazeera by As Sahab, the "production company" of Al Qaeda, via a group known as Intelcenter, who also SELL the videos online.

Intelcenter normally have the tapes available for sale as soon as they are released, indeed in the past they have even predicted when they are going to get a tape before it is released, as they did with the second London bomber tape on the anniversary of 7/7.

Neil comment: So. Who and What is al-CI Aida, eh... sorry... al-Qaeda anyway?

The Hitler Meme

Published: October 24, 2008

On YouTube, we’re in a bunker, and the enemies are always, always closing in. The ceilings are low. The air is stifling. A disheveled leader is delusional.

This is the premise of more than 100 videos on the Web — the work of satirists who for years have been snatching video and audio from “Downfall,” the 2004 German movie of Hitler’s demise, and doctoring it to tell a range of stories about personal travails and world politics. By adding new English-language subtitles, they transform the movie’s climactic scene, in which Hitler (played by Bruno Ganz) rails against his enemies and reluctantly faces his defeat, into the generic story of a rabid blowhard brought low.

(Read full article)

Monday, October 27, 2008


Cele Castillo served for 12 years in the Drug Enforcement Administration where he built cases against organized drug rings in Manhattan, raided jungle cocaine labs in the amazon, conducted aerial eradication operations in Guatemala, and assembled and trained anti-narcotics units in several countries.

The eerie climax of agent Castillo's career with the DEA took place in El Salvador. One day, he received a cable from a fellow agent. He was told to investigate possible drug smuggling by Nicaraguan Contras operating from the Ilopango Air Force Base.

Castillo quickly discovered that the Contra pilots were, indeed, smuggling narcotics back into the United States - using the same pilots, planes and hangers that the Central Intelligence Agency and the National Security Council, under the direction of Lt. Col. Oliver North, used to maintain their covert supply operation to the Contras.

Part 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

The Standard of Living Bubble (And Why It’s About to Go Pop!)

Posted by Karen De Coster on October 22, 2008

Our representatives in Washington, alongside the easy-credit Federal Reserve and its Wise Leader, “Helicopter Ben,” have essentially subsidized a rash of misguided investments and profligate spending-sprees by consumers who’ve bought into the illusion of endless prosperity.
Everyone knows about the Housing Bubble. Well, get ready for the even bigger Standard of Living Bubble, whose bursting is now upon us.
(read full article)

A glimpse of what to come

Chinese bank chooses NYC for first US branch


Gov. David Paterson says the largest commercial bank in China has chosen New York for its first U.S. branch.

Industrial and Commercial Bank of China will open the branch in Manhattan, giving the global financial hub a shot in the arm amid Wall Street's meltdown.

There was no word on how many jobs might be created.

Paterson says the bank is the largest in mainland China and its shares trade on the Shanghai and Hong Kong stock exchanges. (view source)

New order moves us closer to China's economic model

WASHINGTON -- We are all Chinese now. That is, we have a nominally capitalist economy, but we don't trust the freewheeling private market when it comes to the crunch. So we turn to the government for protection and stability.

The new interventionism isn't so much socialist as it is Confucian -- a belief that a public-private partnership of the wise ones will get us out of the mess. And if it's any consolation, the Chinese are becoming more like us, even as we are becoming more like them.

(read full article)

"October Surprise": Preparing for "Something Unexpected”?

by Dr. Judith H. Young

At a news conference on October 22, 2008, U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Barak Obama was asked about a comment by his Vice Presidential running mate Joe Biden that Obama could expect to be tested within six months of the new presidential term by a “generated” international crisis that will force him to make unpopular decisions. Obama said the Delaware senator has occasionally engaged in "rhetorical flourishes," but the essential point was that the new President could expect to be challenged no matter who wins.

Obama held the news conference following a meeting with his national security advisers, who include long standing globalist asset Zbignew Brezezinski. He denied the meeting with his advisors had been called because of political damage stemming from Biden's remarks, in my view a classic ploy for calling more attention to it.

Alternative news analysts speculated on the import of these simultaneous warnings by public figures, including their possible relation to a new false flag:

Albright, like Biden and Powell, is an insider minion, so she may know something is up. It is rather suspect that all these voices are saying basically the same thing: Obama will be “tested,” either by an [al-Qaeda] attack, a war or confrontation in the Middle East – read Iran, or Russia….Hopefully, the ACLU’s [Freedom of Information Act request regarding the combat unit deployed domestically as of 10/1/2008] will turn up more information on the emerging police state control grid going online. Unfortunately, we are but one “terrorist event” away from this system being used to identify, track, trace, and round up the opposition. If we are to believe Joe Biden, Colin Powell, and Madeleine Albright, this event may happen as soon as the end of January, 2009

(read full article)

US Invades Syria: Kills 8 Civilians

A US official has confirmed that Special Forces carried out a raid inside Syrian territory on Sunday, targeting fighters staging attacks in Iraq.

Syria said the soldiers attacked a house in a farming area near the town of Abu Kamal, about 8km inside the border with Iraq.

Al Jazeera's Tom Ackerman reports.

Companies start competing for bailout money

Associated Press

October 27, 2008

The bailout is now the hottest lobbying game in town.

Insurers, automakers and American subsidiaries of foreign banks all want the Treasury Department to cut them a piece of the largest government rescue in U.S. history.

The betting is that many with their hands out will be successful, especially with financial markets in a stomach-churning dive and predictions the economy is about to tumble into a deep recession.

(read full article)

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Sarah Palin's ties to extremist groups, militia, terrorists, and other paranoid, racist nutjobs

Sarah Palin's dubious connections starts to surface, with a twist.
Notice how they try to create a link between right-extremists and people who talk about fighting The New World Order in this multi-layered hit-piece.
It's obviously only the Elite that can talk about The New World Order. When other people talk about it (and don't like it), they are conspiracy-theorists, and right-extremists.

Watch YouTube clip

NWO Books on Tape: World Government, Eugenics, Scientific Technique & Power

NWO Books on Tape:
World Government, Eugenics, Scientific Technique & Power
Key New World Order quotes about the plan to condition and control human populations are conveniently read in a books-on-tape style to serve your informational needs.

Credit to Brent Jessop - and GatekeeperInvasion


Less Ice In Arctic Ocean 6000-7000 Years Ago

Neil comment: The didn't call it Greenland because it was covered in white snow. Even though most people believes that they called it green to trick people to move there. Sure... It has nothing to do with the fact that they were growing crops there so that the Vikings could reload their supply on their way to America, that's just a conspiracy financed by the Oil Industry, isn't it?

ScienceDaily (Oct. 20, 2008)

Recent mapping of a number of raised beach ridges on the north coast of Greenland suggests that the ice cover in the Arctic Ocean was greatly reduced some 6000-7000 years ago. The Arctic Ocean may have been periodically ice free.

”The climate in the northern regions has never been milder since the last Ice Age than it was about 6000-7000 years ago. We still don’t know whether the Arctic Ocean was completely ice free, but there was more open water in the area north of Greenland than there is today,” says Astrid LysÃ¥, a geologist and researcher at the Geological Survey of Norway (NGU).
(read full article)

Terrorist ‘tweets’? US Army warns of Twitter dangers

Neil Comment:
Social networking has become a important part of the Alternative Media's infrastructure and is therefore increasingly under attack. Expect to see more like this in the future. Also lookout for a i911 (internet 9/11, but without Al Qaeda) that leads to new international laws regarding the net. (iPatriotAct)


October 25, 2008

The report by the 304th Military Intelligence Battalion, posted on the website of the Federation of American Scientists (FAS), examines a number of mobile and web technologies and their potential uses by militants.

The posting of the report on the FAS site was reported Friday by Wired magazine contributing editor Noah Shachtman on his national security blog “Danger Room” at

The report is not based on clandestine reporting but drawn from open source intelligence known as OSINT.

A chapter on “Potential for Terrorist Use of Twitter” notes that Twitter members sent out messages, known as “Tweets,” reporting the July Los Angeles earthquake faster than news outlets and activists at the Republican National Convention in Minneapolis used it to provide information on police movements.

“Twitter has also become a social activism tool for socialists, human rights groups, communists, vegetarians, anarchists, religious communities, atheists, political enthusiasts, hacktivists and others to communicate with each other and to send messages to broader audiences,” the report said.

(read full story)

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Desperation Makes for Dangerous Politics

by: Dr. Wilmer J. Leon III, Ph.D., t r u t h o u t | Perspective

John McCain at a campaign rally in Westerville, Ohio, October 19. (Photo: Chip Somodevilla / Getty Images North America)

As America moves into the final days of the 2008 presidential campaign Senator McCain and his surrogates are desperately seeking any message that will resonate with the American people. The problem is that their desperate actions are resulting in dangerous and ugly politics.

Senator McCain hails himself as a maverick - a visionary and independent man who breaks from the politics of the past. Actually, McCain and his supporters are simply pandering to the conservative right and the fringe elements of America. They are not "reaching across the aisle" or "seeking consensus." His campaign is not building bridges to move the country forward; it's building bridges to nowhere. McCain and his surrogates have turned to fear mongering through racist innuendo as Senator McCain attempts to become America's 44th president.

(read full article)

Friday, October 24, 2008

Rise and Fall of the Obamanation?

I've been stating this before but I can not stress the importance about this issue.
There is no doubt that there is something fishy going on about Obama, and I have now started to see a pattern emerge that indicates some weird twists coming up.
Be warned: This might seem a bit crazy at first, until you take a closer look.

Obama is the guy! Their favorite choice. Even when both candidates has Brzezinski names backing them and the stage has been set for the election of the century. This will be the one you'll never forget! (The 9/11 of Elections?)
I have mentioned Brzezinski before in this article and I can not express how important this guy is in geo-strategic global politics. Brzezinski is David Rockefeller's right-hand pitbull, Kissinger being his left.
The Brzezinski method is mainly characterized by getting others to do their dirty work for them (war by proxy), this also includes activating the public at home to push their agenda. At the moment the agenda is Obama (and recently Georgia), but maybe not in the way that you suspect. There are some very interesting clues that is now starting to appear:

Webster Tarpley is The Expert on Obama and has been talking alot about the Obama Jugend (Obama Youth) and the fanatic following that has been built up around him.
The interview below is very important to check out. It contains a lot of stuff that will help you understand who Obama really is, and why he is so dangerous.

Things that indicates something coming up:
People from all directions suddenly starts talking about Al Qaeda supporting McCain, terror attacks and Obama being "tested" if he gets (s)elected, having to make unpopular decisions, republicans giving their support and Hillary's assination remarks.
Obama's use of hidden hypnotic techniques is absolutely worth a look at as well
Today, this story came out:

Police fear riots if Barack Obama loses US election

Law enforcement officials say the intense public interest and historic nature of the vote could lead to violent outbreaks if people are unhappy with the results, encounter problems casting their ballots or suspect voting irregularities.

Police departments say they cannot rule out disorder and are mobilising extra forces and putting SWAT teams on standby. (read full article)

Here's my case:

A new 9/11 is needed, but difficult to pull off again, since the knowledge about the first "inside job" has grown mainstream. But Obama might pull it off and get Europe on board for a second round, this time with the goal of taking out Iran and merge North America (US, Canada and Mexico.

A full economic collapse is coming anyway, so we can ignore Biden's disinfo conserning being tested that way, but his comment about "becoming very unpopular" is very interesting (will he nuke somebody?), because that might lead us to the next clue on the list: Assasination, JFK and MLK merged, revised and updated to 2008 media frenzy. Which again leads to the clues in the article above: Massive riots that threatens to tear America in two, initiating Martial Law or even Civil War.

Just think about it: If Obama is being torn down it will have a devastating effect, peolpe will go nuts, and they will then have the perfect opportunity to trigger total chaos and a fully collapse the country. Just like David Rockefeller dream about! The perfect excuse for Marshall Law, The North American Union, Global Currency, a Global Police trough the UN and NATO, and setting up Russia and China against each other for the final showdown resulting in a Global Government (with a strongly reduced population).

Bold statements and extreme scenarios, I know. But let's see what happens, I shurly hope I'm wrong but I certainly expect that about half of the above scenarios will come true. The Only questions are wich one will be used and will it happen before, during or after the (s)election.

- neilmcnasty

Must See: JFK II

Landmark E. Howard Hunt JFK Confession Video Tape Ignored

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet
Friday, October 24, 2008

Video tape revelations of former Watergate conspirator deserve mainstream attention in run-up to 45th anniversary

The world exclusive E. Howard Hunt JFK confession video tape was released this week to a deafening silence from the mainstream media, while the dumbed-down general public attempted to dismiss the now deceased whistleblower Hunt, a former CIA operative and Nixon White House insider, as a mentally unstable drunk.

stock market

E. Howard Hunt testifies before the Senate Watergate Committee on Sept. 25, 1973.

In the video, Hunt discusses LBJ, who saw Kennedy as an “obstacle” to the presidency, and how Johnson consorted with top CIA officials Cord Meyer and William K. Harvey to carry out the assassination plot. Hunt had direct knowledge of the plot because he was part of it in his role as a “bench warmer,” as he described himself.

You Tube comments in response to the video prevaricated not around the astounding never before seen revelations of Hunt, but centered on mindless charges that Hunt, whose original disclosure was the subject of a widely read April 2007 Rolling Stone special following his son’s release of an audio tape, was nothing more than “an old quack” or a homeless drunk.

(read full article)

Quote of today:

“If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issuance of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.” - Thomas Jefferson

Television May Be Doing Your Thinking

The world’s biggest leisure activity is watching television. Not walking or reading, not playing games with our children, not engaging with others in outdoor activities. Most of us like to think that television has absolutely no effect on how we think or what we do. We believe that it is a way to relax. Many of us may be surprised to know that television is a controlling medium, relaxing us enough to switch off our analytical brain (the left side of the brain) so that we uncritically, or unlogically, process the information beaming from the television. This means we are less able to make decisions or judgments about what we hear on television.
(read full article)

DARPA Contract Description Hints at Advanced Video Spying

By Walter Pincus
Monday, October 20, 2008; Page A13

Real-time streaming video of Iraqi and Afghan battle areas taken from thousands of feet in the air can follow actions of people on the ground as they dig, shake hands, exchange objects and kiss each other goodbye.

The video is sent from unmanned and manned aircraft to intelligence analysts at ground stations in the United States and abroad. They watch video in real time of people getting in and out of cars, loading trunks, dropping things or picking them up. They can even see vehicles accelerate, slow down, move together or make U-turns.

"The dynamics of an urban insurgency have resulted in a rapid increase in the number of activities visible in the video field of view," according to the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency.

(read full article)

The Complete Idiot’s Guide to the NWO

Brzezinski: Powell decision tears GOP ticket

Neil Comment: If you want to understand how they pull the strings, you should study Brzezinski. The man is worthy many books when it comes to evil deeds. His book The Grand Chessboard is the Blueprint itself for what you see in strategic geo-politics today.

(Yes, it is Osama Bin Laden together with Brzezinski on the picture)

“I was impressed by the comprehensive indictment of the current Republican ticket that was implicit in Powell’s statement,” former US president Jimmy Carter’s national security adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski told the Huffington Post.

On Sunday, US President George W. Bush’s first secretary of state Colin Powell endorsed Democratic candidate Obama in an interview on NBC’s Meet the Press, saying ‘I think that Senator Obama brings a fresh set of eyes, fresh set of ideas to the table’.

Brzezinski said, “It was not just about foreign affairs, it was a comprehensive statement that conveys the message that the more traditionally centrist Republicans are coming to view the McCain-Palin ticket as some sort of deviation - some sort of break - with the genuine traditions of the Republican Party.”

(read full article)

Biden Predicts “International Crisis” Within First 6 Months Of Obama Presidency

Neil comment: there is absolutely something weird going on concerning Obama and there will be many twists coming up. Webster Tarpley has been extremely accurate on this subject, and has been pointing out exactly the same thing as Biden now does. Something fishy with a weird twist is coming up...

It is worth to notice that Biden is known to brag and reveal a bit too much of the game. He's the guy who never shut up.

Kurt Nimmo
October 20, 2008

In a striking moment of candor, Joe Biden tells us would-be president Obama will face “an international crisis within his first six months in power and he will need supporters to stand by him as he makes tough, and possibly unpopular, decisions,” Matthew Jaffe reports on ABC News’ Political Radar blog. Speaking at a Seattle fundraiser, Biden said this “test” would likely unfold in the Middle East or Russia. It would likely be coupled with the economy.

“Gird your loins,” Biden told the crowd. “We’re gonna win with your help, God willing, we’re gonna win, but this is not gonna be an easy ride. This president, the next president, is gonna be left with the most significant task. It’s like cleaning the Augean stables, man. This is more than just, this is more than – think about it, literally, think about it – this is more than just a capital crisis, this is more than just markets. This is a systemic problem we have with this economy.”

It is interesting Biden would mention Greek mythology to make his point. Augeas, one of the Argonauts, is best known for his stables, which housed the single greatest number of cattle in the country and had never been cleaned until the great hero Heracles came along. Apparently Biden would have us believe Obama is Heracles, the son of Zeus, know for his extraordinary strength, courage, ingenuity, and sexual prowess with both males and females. Biden also put the senator from Illinois in the same league as John F. Kennedy.

(read full article)

Globalists Exploit Financial Meltdown In Move Towards One World Currency

Brown, Sarkozy, ECB push new world economic order

Paul Joseph Watson & Kurt Nimmo
Prison Planet
Monday, October 20, 2008

The swift and ruthless exploitation of the economic meltdown on behalf of globalists and central banks revolves around their drive to move towards a one world currency system and an unprecedented centralization of global financial power.

Statements on behalf of world leaders and central banks over the past two weeks have made it clear that the agenda to further collate economic power and control of currencies into the hands of the few is rapidly accelerating - all in the name of solving a financial crisis that was caused as a result of the same fiat money system that the elite themselves created and maintained.

The original Bretton Woods agreement in 1944, spurred by the depression of the 1930s and the second world war, created the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and laid down common standards for markets around the world. Now with the current financial crisis EU leaders see another opportunity to impose global regulations on sovereign economies.

As the crisis reached its peak at the end of September, British Prime Minister Gordon Brown led the call for “a new global financial order” in which the world financial system would be built around a centrally coordinated policy of international regulation.

Morgan Stanley Chief Executive John Mack has also called for a new global body to oversee the financial crisis, warning that it is like nothing he’s ever seen before.

The sentiment echoes those of elite figures such as CFR member Jeffrey Garten and Timothy Geithner, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, who have both recently called for a “new global monetary authority”, a de-facto global financial dictatorship, operating across borders and forcing nations and corporations to register and adhere to strict monitoring and regulations.

European Central Bank council member Ewald Nowotny told Bloomberg yesterday that the centrality of the U.S. dollar was in question and that a “tri-polar” global currency system is in development between the U.S., Asia and Europe to replace it.

This followed a call by French President to question whether a “worldwide currency system” should be introduced in response to the financial crisis.

“Another subject in tomorrow’s world is that of the great currencies. How many should there be? What should the agreement between these great currencies be? Should we organize a discussion? Should a country like India one day have a global currency?” Sarkozy told a news conference, reports Reuters.

Any discussion would be purely academic, as the ruling elite long ago decided to force a global currency down our throats. In fact, a global currency is at the very core of their plan to dominate the world. Control money and you control the destiny of states, you eliminate national sovereignty. “The control of money and credit strikes at the very heart of national sovereignty,” A.W. Clausen, president of Bank of America once observed.

As Georgetown professor and CFR historian Carroll Quigley noted, the goal of the banking families and their minions consists of “nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole… controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences.”

It remains to be seen if the EU will realize its “solution” to the world economic crisis. In 2007, Robert Mundell, “the father of the euro,” noted that “international monetary reform usually becomes possible only in response to a felt need and the threat of a global crisis.”

Certainly, the elite cooked up an appropriate global crisis, now they will engage in a full court press to establish a global currency and eventually a global government.

Report: U.S. Navy Warship On Fire In Persian Gulf

“Blast” not ruled out as source of blaze

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet
Monday, October 20, 2008

A U.S. Navy warship stationed in the Persian Gulf has reportedly caught fire, with officials not ruling out that a “blast” was the cause of the blaze.

According to Press TV, the vessel was moved to the Iraqi port cities of Al-Bakr and al-Amaya following the fire.

“The sources did not rule out the possibility that a blast had started the fire on the vessel that was said to be “one of the four US warships in the region,” the report added.

U.S. military officials are yet to comment on the report.

Fears of a Gulf of Tonkin style provocation to grease the skids for an invasion of Iran have repeatedly surfaced in the media.

Pulitzer prize winning journalist Seymour Hersh revealed in July that top Neo-Cons, including Vice President Dick Cheney, had convened to brainstorm ways of building a pretext for a military strike on Tehran.

The meeting took place in Cheney’s office and the subject on the table was “how to create a casus belli between Tehran and Washington,” part of an ongoing effort to provide an excuse to attack Iran. “There was a dozen ideas proffered about how to trigger a war,” Hersh explains. “The one that interested me the most was why don’t we build — we in our shipyard — build four or five boats that look like Iranian PT boats. Put Navy seals on them with a lot of arms. And next time one of our boats goes to the Straits of Hormuz, start a shoot-up.”

In January, the Pentagon released video footage and an audio tape that allegedly depicted Iranian aggression against U.S. Navy warships in the Straight of Hormuz.

The video tape failed to show any aggressive action on behalf of the Iranian patrol boats and many dismissed the audio tape as a crude fake.

Al-Qaeda Leaders Root for McCain

Neil comment: The Spin is on! Media pulls it's strings, trying to influence public opinion. A classic example! This will basically push people towards Obama. (if you ask me...) McCain is there to look stupid and to be a Bush wannabe (not attractive), which makes Obama look like a dream come true. But I suspect we might have some weird twists coming up regarding the coming election.
Personally I'm note sure if there will be a (s)election at all.

By Robert Parry
October 22, 2008

“Al-Qaeda will have to support McCain in the coming election,” declared one commentary on a password-protected site, al-Hesbah, which has been linked to the terrorist organization.

The commentary argued that a last-minute terrorist strike could galvanize American voters behind McCain’s hard-line positions and bring about a McCain administration that would follow the “failing march” of George W. Bush. [Washington Post, Oct. 22, 2008]

(read full article)

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Quote of today:

"Isn't the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn't it our responsibility to bring that about?" - Maurice Strong, U.N. environmental leader

Environmentalism Is Racism

All of the insanities of the environmental movement become intelligible when one grasps the nature of the destructive motivation behind them. They are not uttered in the interest of man’s life and well-being, but for the purpose of leading him to self-destruction

~ George Reisman

Recently, one of my favorite clients organized a salmon-fishing trip attended by his key employees, vendors, and creditors. It was highly enjoyable, indeed, to spend time fishing and chatting with professionals such as architects, structural engineers, bankers, project managers, etc. One conversation, however, impacted me the most. A lively discussion, regarding the housing bubble and its aftermath, was underway when a gentleman interjected that: "Environmentalism has cost my family a lot of money." The first thought that entered my mind was: "Where did that comment come from?" Nonetheless, after hearing his tale of woe, it struck me that environmentalism is racism.

(read the story)

Britain’s Prime Minister Argues for Global Governance

Brian Farmer

Tuesday, Oct 21, 2008

In a Washington Post commentary published on Friday, October 17, Great Britain’s Prime Minister Gordon Brown tried to make the case that “The Financial Crisis Is Also an Opportunity To Create New Rules for Our Global Economy,” as the subtitle put it.

“Over the past week, we have shown that with political will it is possible to agree on a global multibillion-dollar package to recapitalize our banks across many continents. In the next few weeks, we need to show the same resolve and spirit of cooperation to create the rules for our new global economy. If we do this, 2008 will be remembered not just as a year of financial crisis but as the year we started to build the world anew.”

(read full article)

Albright: “Statement of Fact” Terrorists Will Attack After Obama Wins

October 21, 2008

Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, who believes killing a half million Iraqi kids was worth it, seems to agree with Joe Biden and Colin Powell that something will happen within the first six months or so of an Obama administration.

Go to this page and see the video from CNN

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Attack on Iran Off the Table?

By Ray McGovern
October 20, 2008 "
Information Clearinghouse"

On Sept. 23, the neoconservative chiefs of the Washington Post's editorial page mourned, in a tone much like what one hears on the death of a close friend, that "a military strike by the United States or Israel [on Iran is not] likely in the coming months." One could almost hear a wistful sigh, as they complained that efforts to stop Iran's nuclear program has "slipped down Washington's list of priorities … as Iran races toward accumulating enough uranium for a bomb."

We are spared, this go-round, from "mushroom clouds." But racing to a bomb? Never mind that the 16 agencies of the U.S. intelligence community concluded in a formal National Intelligence Estimate last November that work on the nuclear weapons-related part of Iran's nuclear program was halted in mid-2003. And never mind that Thomas Fingar, National Intelligence Director Mike McConnell's deputy for national estimates, reiterated that judgment as recently as Sept. 4. Never mind that the Post's own Walter Pincus reported on Sept. 10 that Fingar added that Iran has not restarted its nuclear weapons work. Hey, the editorial fellows know best.

"the fiasco began when Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili ordered his American- and Israeli-trained Georgian armed forces to launch an attack on the city of Tskhinvali, capital of South Ossetia, on the night of Aug. 6-7, killing not only many civilians but a number of Russian observers as well"

(read full article)

Biden “Predicted” 9/11 Attack On September 10, 2001

By Amy de Miceli, on 21-10-2008 02:32

Joe Biden the seemingly clairvoyant senator from Delaware, and vice presidential nominee was out making predictions, again. The last time Joe was using his crystal ball was on September 10, 2001, one day prior to the 9/11 attacks.

He was at the national press club when he made an astounding prediction, that came true hours later. "We will have diverted all that money to address the least likely threat while the real threats come into this country in the hold of a ship, or the belly of a plane, or are smuggled into a city in the middle of the night in a vial in a backpack."

Just this past Sunday, while out fundraising in Seattle Washington, Biden spoke about what he saw the future looking like, and this time he was much more precise. He offers a timeline, a JFK comparison, and a crisis.

"Mark my words…It will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama like they did John Kennedy…Remember I said it standing here if you don’t remember anything else I said. Watch, we’re gonna have an international crisis, a generated crisis, to test the mettle of this guy."

(read full story)