Sunday, October 12, 2008

Understanding the Economic Colapse

If you should have any chance to understand the economic problems we are facing today, it is essential to know the history of the international bankers and the Federal Reserve to even start to grasp the madness that lies behind what turns out to be the biggest swindle in mankind's history.

A swindle by a handful of private banking families that is about to pull the rug from underneath us and insert a global technological dictatorship that will rearrange society back to a world of slaves and master, a system formerly known by names such as Serfdom and Feudalism.

These secretive banking families has been pulling the strings from behind the curtain since long before Rothschild collapsed the London Stock Exchange days before the English victory at Waterloo and thereby gained control over England and it's Royalty by buying up everything as it collapsed. Just like they are doing now!

But let's not waste time. It's better that you see it for yourself and digest the information your own way. Only then will the information be received as reality. (me telling you = conspiracy theory & you watching a film = reality, I'm sorry to put it like that, but that's how it works). The information you are about to receive is the biggest threat to private banking establishment there is. If this information becomes public knowledge, there will be a revolution in a matter of hours. Try searching and watching The Money Masters on Google Video and you will understand what I mean. It's been very difficult to find links that work lately. (oh yes, Google/YouTube does that regularly, all the others too)

For those of you who really want to understand this issue should just get "The Money Masters" straight away. 3,5 hours that are as good as a doctor's degree in International Banking and it's history. Here is the first hour of the film:

MONEY AS DEBT, everything explained in 47 minutes, a must see!