I've been warning about the planned economic collapse now for about 5 years (actually 8 years) now and I'm tired of repeating myself, nobody seems to listen when the information comes from a guy in the streets and not from the TV.
But, here I go again...
The case is simple:
This economic crisis has been planned a long time and is designed to hand over the control of all the worlds currency into a few private hands that are trying to set up a technological dictatorship. also known as The New World Order.
End of discussion! Just because you do not hear about it on TV does not make it a conspiracy theory, it just means that the TV might not have anything to do with truth.
They are actually telling us this themself, check this out:
Brown: Use This Crisis To Create New Financial World Order
“Sometimes it takes a crisis for people to agree that what is obvious and should have been done years ago, can no longer be postponed,” Brown told an audience earlier today. Speaking at Thomson Reuters’ editorial headquarters, Brown called for “a new financial architecture for the global age”
(read full article)
This is what we call a economic dictatorship, in many ways you can say that we already have one:
Banker Bailout: Total Financial Dictatorship
by: Michael S. Rozeff at October 2, 2008 02:39 PM
The bailout bill means total financial dictatorship. This bill gives the death penalty to capital markets. The execution will, if this passes, begin immediately and be stretched out over succeeding years.
It includes such nooses as:
1. The Secretary of the Treasury (Finance Czar) gets complete power to buy up any mortgage-related assets he decides on. No questions asked.
2. The Finance Czar (Secretary) and the Fed Chairman get power to buy ANY FINANCIAL ASSET (wow!). They need only inform Congress in writing what they are up to.
3. The Czar can buy troubled assets of ANY financial institution he decides on.
The power grab here is not one but several quantum leaps beyond even the New Deal. It is at a minimum in that Big League.
The discrimination inherent in this bill is totally inconsistent with any kind of even-handed rule of law.
The precedent set here, if this bill passes, is extremely damaging. In the future, Congress will be far more likely to grant such powers to financial czars who will then have direct control over all the capital markets, money markets, and loan markets, and over all financial intermediaries.
It is the original Paulson plan raised to the tenth power.
Who is Henry Paulson?
Paulson rose through the ranks of Goldman Sachs, becoming a partner in 1982, co-head of investment banking in 1990, chief operating officer in 1994. In 1998 he forced out his co-chairman Jon Corzine “in what amounted to a coup,” according to New York Times economics correspondent Floyd Norris, and took over the post of CEO.
(read full article)
Something wrong with this picture, besides being totally corrupt?
Paulson is bailing out his buddies and himself these days (Goldman Sachs is a part of The Fed) and now they will probably turn 360 degrees, pretend as nothing, and then sell it back dirt cheap to them self.
Just like they sold Fanny May Freddie Mac to JP Morgan Chase, AIG was sold to Citibank and so on, but the important issue here is: they are transferring all wealth and property over to them self as it collapses.
This is a principle that has been built into their economic model from the start, I would say it is the main purpose of a bank to take over property and other things of real value.
Now the time has come for us in Europe, the UK and the US to suffer under the economic warfare our nations have been imposing around the world.
Maby we should have spoken out against it then (and stopped it) instead of thinking that it does not affect us, telling ourselves that it can't happen here.
Well, think again:
Dollar, Euro, Sterling May Be Destroyed Zimbabwe-Style
Private investment advisor Martin Hennecke warned this morning that the endless printing of money to bail out collapsing banks would lead to hyperinflation and the Zimbabwe-style destruction of the dollar, euro and sterling. Asked by CNBC how the three currencies could be destroyed, Hennecke, senior manager of private clients at Tyche, highlighted the collapse of Iceland’s banks. “They have a lot of external debt in other currencies so they wouldn’t be able to print up more of their own currency - meaning hyperinflation to get out of their debt - but the UK, the U.S. and the rest of Europe could do it….this is the first step down the road to hyperinflation,” said Hennecke.
(read full article)
Trump’s Vision for a “Golden Age of America”: Oligarchy Plus
Parallels between European fascism in the 1930s and Trump’s MAGA vision
were on full display this week.
1 hour ago