Richard C. Cook
Global Research
December 8, 2008
Even as preparations are underway for Barack Obama to assume office as the 44th president of the United States on January 20, the U.S. military juggernaut that is roaring toward global conquest hasn’t missed a beat. This is shown by the team of hawks—including holdover Robert Gates at Defense and Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State—that Obama has assembled to handle the levers of the war machine and its diplomatic front.
The horrors of the George W. Bush administration may only have been one chapter, though it was the actions of Bush and his cronies—starting with 9/11— which removed all doubt that the intent of the Western ruling class is to dominate the world by any means possible.
Behind this intent are the people David Rockefeller famously identified at a 1991 meeting of the Bilderberg Group, when he said: “The supra-national sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.” No one needs conspiracy theories when the perpetrators are this blatant.
Rockefeller and his internationalist associates have not just made untold fortunes. They have also immeasurably damaged the nation our forefathers created and which offered them the freedom to become rich and powerful. Ironically, it was John D. Rockefeller, Jr., who restored the Virginia colonial capital in Williamsburg where on May 15, 1776 the Virginia Convention instructed their delegates in Philadelphia to enter a motion for independence.
But 1776 was another era, when our ancestors really believed that “all men are created equal” and that “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” were “inalienable rights.” Today, the globalist financiers are trying to shore up the world’s failing financial institutions. But they are doing nothing to stem the slide into a worldwide depression that is starting to destroy the livelihoods of huge numbers of people.
What this really means is that the financial controllers are robbing the world of the peace and prosperity that could be in reach through economic democracy and the fair distribution of resources. It would not be that difficult for us to engage in mindful cultivation of the Earth’s bounty in order to provide a decent living for all.
It could be done by changing the way money is created–from the debt-based system where credit is introduced only through bank lending to grassroots systems of credit creation advocated by the monetary reform movement. This could be done if credit were treated as a public utility, like clean air, water, or electricity, not the private property of the financial elite.
Two good examples of this movement are the ideas of Social Credit based on providing citizens’ dividends similar to the Alaska Permanent Fund and the American Monetary Act of the American Monetary Institute that advocates direct payment by government for public expenditures as with the Civil War Greenbacks.
It is the mis-definition of credit that allowed the banks to create the massive speculative bubbles in housing, commercial real estate, equity and hedge funds, commodities, and derivatives that have exploded. These bubbles can never be re-inflated, no matter how many trillions of dollars the government injects into the failed trickle-down system. The bubbles cannot be re-inflated because the public cannot afford to repay the loans they are ultimately based on. Consumer purchasing power is spiraling downward practically by the day as jobs disappear.
The banking system and the military machine work hand-in-hand, because the financial system is so unbalanced and exploitative that it can only be maintained through brutal force, both within and among nations.
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