Thursday, March 19, 2009

Obama Deception Censored

This is actually good news. It means that the movie has an effect and is a solid piece of research.
If the film was not truthful, they would just sue Alex Jones before the release in order to stop it. -neilmcnasty

Video networking website claims documentary contains “slander and libel”

Christian You Tube Censors Obama Deception 180309top

Paul Joseph Watson
Wednesday, March 18, 2009

A site that brands itself as a kind of ‘You Tube for Christians’ -, which was formally known as, has censored Alex Jones’ new film The Obama Deception after claiming the documentary contained “slander and libel”.

One of our readers tried to upload The Obama Deception to the Tangle website in four parts, but two of the sections never made it and the reader was subsequently contacted by Caitlin Reynolds, ‘Community Care’ administrator for Tangle.

“Hello and thank you for using tangle!,” stated the e mail. “Your video contains slander and liable (sic). We cannot allow this content on our site with out documented proof of the accusations. Please refer to our Terms of Use for additional information. Please let us know if you have any other questions or concerns!”

Firstly, we would advise to try and learn to spell the word “libel” before they attempt to interpret it.

Christian You Tube Censors Obama Deception obamadecept_340x169

Secondly, Obama’s lies are exhaustively documented at every step of the way throughout the film. The content of the documentary itself disproves any claim of “libel” or “slander”.

Naturally, failed to cite a single example of defamation in the film but immediately banned it anyway, which is even more bizarre considering the fact that Obama has already put into action policies that should abhor Christians, some of which are touched upon in the film.

Perhaps is run by the same kind of phony ‘Christians’ as those that staff the Assembly of God church in Ohio, who recently released a pamphlet encouraging their congregation to all but obey Obama and not criticize his policies, citing a perversion of Romans 13.

This is the second example of large networking websites attempting to censor the Obama Deception within a week of its release.

Yesterday, we featured a story about how a user had his account terminated by Facebook for merely posting links to The Obama Deception video.

You can watch The Obama Deception for free at You Tube or subscribe to prison planet.tvand see the movie in high quality along with a plethora of other videos.

Research related articles:

  1. The Best Way To Wake Up The World To The Obama Deception
  2. Facebook Censors User For Promoting The Obama Deception
  3. The Obama Deception: Director Alex Jones Reaches Out To Obama Supporters
  4. Alex Jones Completes The Obama Deception
  5. Alex Jones’ The Obama Deception — Coming March 15
  6. Hope, Change, Progress & The Obama Deception
  7. Alex Jones’ Audio Blog: January 25, 2009 The Obama Deception & the on-going globalist agenda
  8. Sneak Peek: Scenes From ‘The Obama Deception’ - On DVD March 15
  9. The Obama Deception - Trailer #2
  10. The Obama Deception - Now Streaming For Prison Members!
  11. Fight Back Against the Banker Onslaught with The Obama Deception
  12. The Obama Deception – A Movie Review

Screenshot from Google Video when the film hit no.1 on the top 100.


Alex Jones - FBI and ‘The Obama Deception’

A few days before the new documentary ‘The Obama Deception’ was to be released, Alex Jones started receiving calls from members of the FBI asking questions about where the servers were located and probing questions about the film, but they would not tell him why they were calling.  He told his radio listeners on March the 12th (NZT) that he believed chances were, the underlying reason for the harassment related to the imminent release of this documentary, and as a consequence Alex said he is seriously considering releasing the film earlier than planned, via the servers.

It is not surprising he is being harassed by the FBI. ‘The Obama Deception’ will be the first hard-hitting film to expose Obama, his agenda and who his  handlers are.  It cuts through  the media hype,  the unimportant side-issues of no real relevance and the Left/Right rhetoric.

Alex has made several films exposing the New World Order agenda and in this film reveals the Obama Administration’s plans from the same non-partisan point of view– looking past the puppet in the White House to the real controllers on Wall Street, in the Bilderberg group and at the Federal Reserve.

Please help spread the word about this powerful new film.